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IDEC 2023 Nepal - International Democratic Education Conference

will be held face-to-face, in Nepal AND ONLINE. It is organised by SAYM with a special programme in the Himalayas - Himalayan IDEC 

Sri Aurobindo Yoga Mandir (SAYM)

Host of IDEC 2023 in Nepal, SAYM welcomes, since 1993,

children from the most underprivileged backgrounds

to offer them a big family of joy and an integral education based on the teachings of Mother (founder of Auroville) and Sri Aurobindo

Auronepal Travel & Trek - 100% solidarity agency for Nepal discovery trips and Himalayan treks created by the young people of SAYM 

 International Summit of Education for the Future

50+ speakers from all over the world, bold and influential agents of change, and an incredible panel of free conferences, all in French and English, covering all dimensions of Education for the Future, for a meaningful future, a flourishing humanity and a breathing earth!

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